Sampada Bhatnagar

Sampada Bhatnagar


5 stories

A pen lies upon an opened journal. Sketches and scribbles fill the page.
A poster on a crumbling wall with the text ‘You don’t need it, but you want it’.
Sampada Bhatnagar

Sampada Bhatnagar


1 story

Two hands reaching out to touch with a backdrop of the Jewish Holocaust memorial in Berlin.
Sampada Bhatnagar

Sampada Bhatnagar


1 story

Sampada Bhatnagar

Sampada Bhatnagar


13 stories

A man playing an unseen video game with a Xbox Adaptive Controller alongside a woman holding a typical Xbox controller. They are laughing and smiling at a screen out of frame.
A representation of a user in a virtual Start Wars desert usng a Disney+ VR app.
Image of the user workflow described in the article
Sampada Bhatnagar

Sampada Bhatnagar

Writer at The Startup, UX Collective, Geek Culture & Nerd for Tech | Grad Student at IUB | Believer Of Creativity & Curiosity Combo